About Us

We're building the modern solution to Real Estate communications

Propdeals is a "Proptech" (property technology) app founded in 2022. Homeowners shouldn't have to deal with junk mail, endless phone calls, door knocking, and vague interactions. Propdeals allows homeowners to take control of communication surrounding their property, by being able to submit specific requests to agents, and chat to them in our inbuilt messaging system.


Year we were founded


Monthly active users


Members in our remote team


Countries using our products

Our approach

Built for transparency

For most Australians, your home is your biggest asset. The current agent-owner relationship leaves owners confused, frustrated, and resentful towards your local agents. With Propdeals, we want to flip the script and put the you in the drivers seat when it comes to receiving important information regarding your property.

As a homeowner, you're are able to converse with each agent inquiry that comes your way, and decide who gets to talk to you. All without giving away your contact details.

The human element

What's our secret? Great people.

Our team is dedicated to empowering the homeowner. With years of experience in Property Technology, our team decided it was time for a change in favour of the homeowner.

Your home is your most valuable asset, and you deserve to be in control. We believe the homeowner deserves to lead their property conversations, and should decide who gets to take part.

Our values


At Propdeals, we are true to what we stand for. Our goal is to provide value to homeowners, and that is what drives all of our decisions.


No one wants a complex or confusing platform. We aim to provide a simple, easy-to-use service for homeowners to communicate with agents.


It's our mission to empower the homeowners in their property journey, and allow owners to take control of the information regarding their most valuable asset.


The agent to owner relationship has been lacking trust for far too long. It's time to have transparent and clear communication with local agents regarding your property.


Gone are the days of endless phone calls and beating around the bush to get the information you need. Ask quick questions, get quick responses.


Providing a quality service is at the core of our values. Homeowners deserve a platform that will provide what they need, when they need it, and at a professional standard.


Tom Reddaway

Chief Executive Officer
Tom oversees the operations and the strategic outlook of the company.

Angus Cowan

Head of Marketing
Angus leads the customer acquisition and long-term marketing strategy.

Tom Griffin

Head of Product
Tom analyses and ensures our home owners are having a seamless journey.

Ready to take control of your real estate